Pre-Appointment Guidelines
Patient History form Cincinnati-Dayton Online
We offer same day availability! We can’t always guarantee it but we will do our best to accommodate your requests.
Call us or use our appointment request form to help schedule your ultrasound.
All appointment times are confirmed on the phone: (513) 401-8501
Fax #: (513) 672-0383
Fasting the patient 12 hours before an abdominal ultrasound is preferable in most cases. Limited water is allowed (we like to examine a full bladder). Patients with neurological or GI issues, we request a 24 hour fast. ***For patients with health issues that will be negatively affected by withholding food we will follow the veterinarians discretion on what is best for the patient.
Fasting is not needed for Echocardiograms.
Please complete our online patient history form before we arrive.
If you want to send radiographs with the study, please give them to us on a disc or email them at
Have the patient arrive 30–60 minutes before the appointment so your technicians can shave the patient’s abdomen and the patient can relax after the car ride. Shaving is usually not needed for echocardiograms.
We will call 15 minutes before arriving. Upon arrival we will need a room, our completed patient history form, towels, and whenever possible to speak with the veterinarian. Our sonographer will discuss patient history and reason for the scan with the referring vet, who is invited to observe the study.
Sedation is rarely needed. However, if you anticipate sedation will be required please have the owner’s consent in advance and allow for the proper amount of time needed for the sedation to take affect.
If desired, we can assist the veterinarian to acquire a tissue sample using a fine needle aspirate. If you anticipate the possibility of doing a FNA, we ask you have the owner’s consent ahead of time.
We will check out with the veterinarian and leave a statement at the front desk.
The reports are written by the appropriate specialist, either an ACVR radiologist, ACVIM cardiologist, or ACVIM internist. We will fax or email the report back to you.